Kun Luo

Kun Luo is the Vice Dean (concurrently) of the Shanghai Institute for Advanced Study of Zhejiang University, as well as the deputy director of the Office of Global Engagement, Zhejiang University. He is also a Qiushi Distinguished Professor of Zhejiang University tutoring doctoral students. and the winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. Undertook more than a dozen national/provincial and ministerial-level scientific research projects, Dr Luo had published more than 200 papers in academic journals at home or abroad and had won multiple awards. He had won the first prize of Natural Science Award for Excellent Scientific Research Achievements in Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education in 2018, and the first prize of Zhejiang Science and Technology Award, etc. He also had Served as a director of the Chinese Engineering Thermophysics Society, and the editor of several international SCI journals, and won the 2020 Scientific Exploration Award.  

Main research areas: Numerical simulation of engineering multiphase problems and industrial software, engineering applications of artificial intelligence, and computational engineering.